Ben Wolf
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After winning a Student Academy Award for Best Cinematography for his first movie, Gold Mountain, Ben has concentrated on narrative films. He worked with Arthur Vincie previously on Caleb’s Door. Other films such as Lustre (director Art Jones), The Young Girl and the Monsoon (director James Ryan), and Windows (director Shoja Azari) have garnered acclaim at numerous festivals, including Locarno, Venice, Tribeca, and Bermuda. Recently, Ben filmed artist Shirin Neshat’s commission for cellist Maya Beiser’s Almost Human tour, which premiered at Carnegie Hall in New York City.
Location work has taken Ben from the deserts of Xinjiang and Israel to the hill stations of India, in addition to the summit of that gem of all urban locations: the West Tower of the Brooklyn Bridge. Ben’s commitment to visual character studies continues with his latest features, The One (director Caytha Jentis), Henry May Long (director Randall Sharp), Favorite Son (director Howard Libov), and She Wolf Rising (director Marc Leland).